Wednesday night training Blood Borne Pathogens
By Wagontown Fire Company Training Division
January 24, 2018

Each year at the beginning of the year we look to get our normal required refresher training completed, this training includes CPR/First Aid, Hazmat, Blood Borne Pathogens and SCBA refreshers. So tonight was our Blood Borne Pathogens class, while this is important for us to review the training also included a bigger section on PPE for not only these types of incidents but those involving other substances such as seen with the opioid epidemic.

Crews tonight reviewed the power point program on the Blood Borne Pathogens and then took part in a practical session on using their PPE correctly. This included such things as proper attire, wearing of the normal "BSI Precautions" and how to doff said equipment. We then also reviewed the "Class B" suits we carry that can be used for a wide variety of incidents.

Once all this was over, the Chief and other officers reviewed upcoming training, events and a review of all of the website features we want to use this coming year.