Large Brush Fire in Martins Corner
By Watch Desk
March 9, 2020

On Monday afternoon around 14:37 hours the company was dispatched to the 100 Block of Martins Corner Rd for the brush fire. Units arrived onscene with a large area of brush and field on fire. Lieutenant C arrived and assumed command and a request for Honey Brook to assist was made.

Wagontown and Honey Brook crews worked to contain and extinguish an area of about 2 acres that was on fire, crews continued to mop up and were finally released about 1 and half later. Crews then returned to restore the apparatus to a ready mode.

Thank you to Honey Brook for the assistance and to those who provided the pictures.

Units: Brush, Tac, Squad and Tanker 35
Mutual Aid: Brush 33 and Engine 33-5